Direct, connected to the Cloud
As organisations move applications out to the cloud, the connections to these providers become critical. BitStremeoffers a fast, secure and reliable way to connect directly at high speeds, low latency and with complete end to end privacy and security.
You can connect to one, some or all of the providers using a single link from BitStreme and each of them can have independent security and connection settings.
You can connect to Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud using private IP addresses (RFC1918) through a private link. This means that you can now connect using a private network with full Quality of Service (QoS) and an SLA rather than relying on public Internet for access.
We offer simple migration from public to private cloud connectivity. You can start with a VPN connection to the cloud using BitStreme Internet and then migrate to private cloud connect without changing the link to your site or office.
- Bandwidth prioritisation and management
- Lowest latency
- VPN options
Technical Info
Each VLAN in the cloud is carried to us on a dot1q trunk and we link it to your VRF (or dedicated VRF per provider if you prefer).
Full QoS for each provider end to end.
Complete flexibility on delivery to your premise. We can route all cloud providers to a single VRF and provide a single port on the CPE or split each cloud to a different port on the CPE or any mixture you can think of.
If you are using a private cloud provider that is not on our network, contact us as we are constantly reviewing cloud providers and connection options.
Private Cloud Connect comes in any speed from 10Mbps to 10Gbps options
It can be as resilient as your BITSTREME connection. For mission critical applications, we recommend the backup circuit is the same size as the primary circuit to provide identical performance and fast failover. For low priority workloads, a VPN over the BITSTREME cloud optimised Internet circuit may be sufficient.